Thursday 11 April 2013

The Top 5


The Top 5:


Release Date: 12th April 2013 

First of all it has to be said that I'm a massive fan of Ryan Gosling, especially after watching Drive about 3 times in 2 days. Judging by the trailer it does seem a little bit like Drive, as he's once again protecting a woman (Eva Mendes). I'm not to sure about the whole blonde hair and tattoos kind of look but I suppose they're just trying to make it look like he's from 'the wrong side of the tracks'. During the trailer I couldn't help but notice the fact that Bradley cooper looks about 12 in that what can only be described as a horrible shell suit.

If the directors last efforts with Gosling, in Blue Valentine, are anything to go by then were in for a somewhat drawn out film which is a strange one because by the end of it you realise how good it was, if that makes any sense at all. In that the acting is top quality in a film which shows Gosling and Michelle Williams as a married couple and cuts between when they first met and the demise of their relationship to the point where they cant bear each other. I liked this film because its quite awkward acting in that at the start they both realise their feelings towards each other, their both nervous. A must see and probably at a reasonable price now.

Anyway back to The Place Beyond the Pines, the stunning shots of the motorbike gliding through the trees takes me back to the scenes of The Great Escape staring the great Steve Mcqueen.

Why see it?

Good quality actors with a storyline for crime and stunning tracking shots. Before making up your mind maybe check out Drive and Blue Valentine (Gosling and Williams). But more importantly as i always say make your own mind up just because someone says its good or bad shouldn't deter you from seeing a film that you think looks good or fancy seeing.


Release Date: 10th May 2013


This gets the nod due to the brilliance that was the last Star Trek film. In no way shape or form am I a Trekkie fan, in fact whenever I saw it was on TV, i'd rather turn the TV of then watch people with plastic ears screaming 'beam me up Scotty!'
However even after my former hatred of Star Trek and the fact George Lucas has drained heart and soul out of Star Wars (Lucas is probably one of my single most hated directors in history, the only good thing he's done is Indiana Jones and even the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull should be put someone where no one can get to it, Just like where Lucas puts the arc). J.J 'Lost' Abrams made this into probably my favorite sci-fi film ever. The starting in the first installment is probably one of the most gripping action-packed beginnings I've seen with a bit of Chris Hemsworth thrown in to the mix for a little something extra.

Before I say anything more would thoroughly recommend buying Star Trek and you wont be disappointed.

This seems like nothing has changed from the first. Great action, visually stunning and gripping. I like the relationship between Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto I think that was one of the best things about the first installment because they were both at each others throats and Pine was often hot headed but you'd expect that from the caliber of role he's playing.

I think Benedict Cumberbatch is an added bonus to the cast and seems to be in the same role as Javier Barden in a sense that you simply don't want to mess with him as they both seem clever and the just add a threatening.

The visuals look top notch which you'd expect from a film where the prequels budget was around $140 000 000. I think they could have easily made the visuals cheap and nasty and unrealistic but instead they just look immense.

Why the watch?

I'd see this based on the fact that the prequel was so unbelievable. Plus if you think the director wouldn't be up to making a sci-fi type film he's recently landed the role of directing the next installment of Star Wars. The actors are top of the range and there isn't a single actor here who i'd change or put in a different role apart from maybe Anton Yelchin who's attempt at a Russian accent left a lot to be desired  The villain, Cumberbatch, has to go a long way to trump Eric Bana in the original but i think he'll equal if not beat him.


Release Date: 17th May 2013

This has to be said this is THE film my girlfriend wants to see (she's not a big sci-fi fan).

The Great Gatsby is a strange one for me as i love/like a majority of the cast, DiCaprio, Mullignan and Edgerton. Tobey Maguire is in it, but due to his poor efforts as Spiderman, (don't get me started on the third one), I decided he didn't belong to the cast above. But I'm not 100% that Baz Luhrmann is the right man to direct. I think its more of a personal thing to be honest as I think the only film I like from him is Romeo+ Juliet.

How Great is he?

DiCaprio looks to be on top of his game yet again making him probably the greatest actor in Hollywood at the moment. His performance as a show-boating rich kid is somewhat unnerving as he looks like he can snap at any moment, similar to his portrayal as Calvin Candie in Tarantinos masterpiece Django Unchained. In both films he plays a wealthy man and does as he pleases. It seems like he's aiming somewhere between Titanic and Django with a sprinkling of Shutter Island thrown in there for good measure. He looks on impeccable form.

My problems and I don't have many considering this is probably my last choice in my list of films is that although its very 'Moulin Rouge!' I'm expecting women to be flying from the ceiling and can-can girls to walk through the door at any moment and for them to begin breaking out into song.

I think one of the things that save the film are obviously DiCaprio but also Carey Mullignan, Joel Edgerton (and on a few more viewings Maguire). 

The attire makes everything fits in perfectly too, from the cars to the clothing.

Jay-Z does the score. Enough said.

I am definitely going to see this film, mainly because my girlfriend wants to see it but also due to the actors attached. I think if one film on my list will make me change my mind I think this will be it.


Release Date: 14th June 2013

Where do I begin?!?!

If I were putting these films in order of top five of most eagerly anticipated films this would go top. Then probably leave a few pages because nothing even comes close!
This film literally has it all. A genius background crew including the great Zack Snyder (directed 300 and Watchmen) and arguably the greatest team in cinema Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer the duo (plus Jonathan Nolan) responsible for probably the greatest trilogy of all time, The Dark Knight Trilogy (bar LOTR). While not forgetting to mention Nolan's previous masterpieces Memento, Inception and The Prestige.

I can understand people's dismissive reaction to making another superman film as the previous effort fell well short of the mark but this one just looks incredible. The Gladiator like singing gives the whole trailer an almost tranquil feel.

My first thoughts of the trailer were that it looks to be on par with the dark knight if not dare I say better. I think the casting is top notch, powerhouse Russel Crowe as Jor-El, a position made famous by the godfather that is Marlon Brando who famously got paid a sum in the region of $13 million for a weeks worth of acting, not bad aye! In all of Crowes' action/fighting' films i.e. Gladiator/Robin Hood he always gives the impression of a character you simply wouldn't mess with and I think he will be great as Clark's dad.

I wasn't 100% sure of Henry Cavill as the Man of Steel as I haven't really seen much of his work. However I have seen one of his previous films, The Immortals, as it was going cheap I took a gamble on a film that many people slated and was actually pleasantly surprised and its well worth a view.
Pa and Martha Kent played by Kevin Costner and Diane Lane look to be a perfect match especially as Costner seems like such a warming actor and appears laid back.

The only 'issue' that I have about this film is casting Michael Shannon as General Zod. I don't think its a bad move by any stretch of the imagination but something about it just doesn't sit right with me but I'm sure I'll be proven wrong when the film is released. I guess it was a brave yet simple approach not to cast the arch enemy Lex Luthor as so many of the superman films (and Smallville) go down that route.

Why see it?

The crew for the film are probably the best crew you could want for a film like this with a Nolan/Goyer script. The actors are all well cast for the roles as stated above and finally the action, something I haven't really talked about seems outstanding as the world crumbles around Clark.
The storyline seems a little predictable but still looks like it'll surprise you.

I would put this film as my MUST SEE.


Release Date: 4th October 2013

At last we've come to the final pearl in the chest of expectation, big budgets and top of the class cast and crew.

Robert Rodriguez is joined again by the creator and co-director in what promises to be one of the most anticipated films of the year.  

Some massive changes have been made since the last film. The first of which is that Dennis Haysbert takes the role of Manute, formally played by the late Michael Clarke Duncan. The second is Jeremy Piven comes in for Michael Madsen, a decision I'm not happy about at all. Madsen was barely in the first film but when he was he was outstanding, spineless and gripping. One of the few roles I've seen him in where I've thought i cant think of anyone better (the previous is of course Reservoir Dogs).

It's not all doom and gloom!

It's not all doom and gloom because they've got two of my favorite actors Josh Brolin comes in for Clive Owen as the anti-hero Dwight. However rumour has it that Clive Owen will make an appearance towards the end for an climatic ending. The second actor is Joseph Gordon-Levitt who is finally getting the recognition he deserves as I'm a massive fan of his in such films as 50/50, the dark knight rises, inception and 500 days of summer

Why See It?

Whether its due to the directors, my love of the first film or the fact that it has some of the greatest actors/actresses and some of the finest cult actors in recent years makes this a film you just have to go and see. 

Feel free to comment or add your top 5.

Peace out.

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